Well, I've decided to go back to Flickr again. I've added a couple of photos from our Library. These photos are of the outside of our library.
I'm going to take a few photos of the library in the next little while. Hopefully I'll upload them onto the Flickr site also.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wiki week
Wow. Isn't it amazing how much you can do within an hour. We've been playing with this for just under the hour now and have managed to read most of what there is.
Firstly I must confess that I haven't followed many of the wiki links yet. Time is ticking and we need to open our library in 10 minutes. We have a Wiki for library staff only. This works quite well however typically some people use it and others don't. Hopefully by the end of licence2test drive, most of us will be able to use it with a little more confidence. I'm also hoping we get some extra inspiration about what we can do within our library and also within our wiki.
Anyhow must go. I need a cuppa before we open and need to do a quick tidy-up.
Firstly I must confess that I haven't followed many of the wiki links yet. Time is ticking and we need to open our library in 10 minutes. We have a Wiki for library staff only. This works quite well however typically some people use it and others don't. Hopefully by the end of licence2test drive, most of us will be able to use it with a little more confidence. I'm also hoping we get some extra inspiration about what we can do within our library and also within our wiki.
Anyhow must go. I need a cuppa before we open and need to do a quick tidy-up.
Back to Flickr
Well, time has beaten us again but so I'm a little behind but I'm going back to the Flickr test drive.
I'm finding Flickr a little frustating as I can't seem to narrow down my searches to be anything worthwhile. I guess thats the problem with allowing anybody to label or tag photos. Things that are meaningful to one person may mean a total different thing to another. Or maybe, nobody has put up any photos of the subject I am looking for.
I've just located the advanced search but it down't really allow it to narrow it down by country of origin or the like, which gives me a thought. I will always try to include the country or location as a tag for any additional photos I may put up.
I've been looking for ages now but have finally found a photo I like. Its not relevant to work at all but its a picture of fern. I took many photos when in New Zealand to try to get a photo like this.
I really like it but never managed to capture anything like this.
I'm finding Flickr a little frustating as I can't seem to narrow down my searches to be anything worthwhile. I guess thats the problem with allowing anybody to label or tag photos. Things that are meaningful to one person may mean a total different thing to another. Or maybe, nobody has put up any photos of the subject I am looking for.
I've just located the advanced search but it down't really allow it to narrow it down by country of origin or the like, which gives me a thought. I will always try to include the country or location as a tag for any additional photos I may put up.
I've been looking for ages now but have finally found a photo I like. Its not relevant to work at all but its a picture of fern. I took many photos when in New Zealand to try to get a photo like this.
I really like it but never managed to capture anything like this.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Great Intentions
Well. I had such great intentions. We were going to dedicate 1hr a fortnight to the licence 2 drive. Where did the last fortnight go because we've missed an entire lesson. I guess this week, we'll be dedicating 2 hours to try to catch up. I'm going to try to do mine this weekend which will get me back on track.
Hopefully this will work out well for us all.
Anyhow, on another note, I'm heading to a concert on Sunday night. The band is the Deep Blue. The story is its an orchestra that has no conductor and no music stands. The
"performers dance, laugh and talk to you, you get to know them and get to text messages to them during the show. There’s elements of theatre, big screens and loads of energy.
The audience is encouraged to dance, talk, laugh, sing, move, arrive early or late and enjoy it in anyway they like. Find out more about deep blue at www.deepblueorchestra.com including more videos, pics and music".
Is this a new type of 2.0 / user participation that we, the public are expecting.
Hopefully this will work out well for us all.
Anyhow, on another note, I'm heading to a concert on Sunday night. The band is the Deep Blue. The story is its an orchestra that has no conductor and no music stands. The
"performers dance, laugh and talk to you, you get to know them and get to text messages to them during the show. There’s elements of theatre, big screens and loads of energy.
The audience is encouraged to dance, talk, laugh, sing, move, arrive early or late and enjoy it in anyway they like. Find out more about deep blue at www.deepblueorchestra.com including more videos, pics and music".
Is this a new type of 2.0 / user participation that we, the public are expecting.
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