Friday, May 22, 2009

Importing social networking things into my blog

As you do on a Friday night when you are home, you play on facebook. I was actually going through and deleting some of the applications I'd accepted in the past when I found the travel map. When I first started playing with facebook, I spent a bit of time adding places I'd been so I thought I'd update this with places I'm off to. I do this as well play with Dopplr, another social site.

Anyhow, this was just a quick post because, as I mentioned, I'm playing on Facebook.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Social Networking

Well. Where do I start. I'm a facebooker.....well, not as active as some of my friends but I'm there each week (it used to be each day but I've cut that I'm not doing assignments.). I think facebook is the best tool to help you not do things you need to do (housework, assignments, other jobs).

We have also purchased some additional web 2.0 applications for our library service. Spydus (our LMS) have commissioned the Spydus Service application and also the Spydus Google gadget. At this stage, we haven't started promoting this service (due to a lack of time) however I'm very excited that we will now have a presence on Facebook. Even though as we have seen, there are hundreds of social networking tools, Facebook is the one that we see our patrons use.

Like other Facebook applications, users can choose whether to receive alerts via emails through Facebook. To check out this application log into Facebook. Then go to the Search field in the top right hand corner of Facebook and search for Spydus Service. Click on the Spydus Service link at the top of the field that is displayed.

This is a great opportunity to put the library where people particular the gen X and gen Ys. Now that we have the application / resource, we only have to work out how to do this successfully. I think we have done a great thing by obtaining access to these applications however we do need to think about how to promote this as much as we can.