Friday, March 27, 2009


Well here I am playing with my blog again. Where does the time go. Can you believe its been nearly 2 weeks since we started our "driving lessons" for 2.0 and I've only posted little bits and pieces.

For me so far, its been quite good. I've managed to set up my blog, convince an older friend (in her 60s) that a blog would be the way to keep us up to date when she is overseas visiting her daughter (and touring Egypt, Paris and the Netherlands) and dedicate time at work for my "girls" to blog. Hopefully we will be able to remember to keep going and learn new things. I've had a quick look at some other blogs and found some features that I'd like to incorporate into mine (quotes, images, surveys etc).

Our next I hope it uses Picasso because I use that at home but haven't put anything online yet. Who knows......maybe I'll learn how to do that next week.

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