Thursday, September 24, 2009

Licence 2 test drive 2 has started

Well, can you believe that we managed to finish Test Drive 1 and have started no. 2.

Sometimes this is a real rush to get these sessions completed in the hour allocated at work but it is fun. I was very excited to see the first session was on Online apps and tools. Not an expert by any means but a regular user of Google docs it was great to see them being promoted for the great tool that it is. I am going to play a little more with Zoho to see how it goes but at this stage, I think I'll stick with the Google docs.

One organisation I'm involved in uses Google docs to manage an event. We were working on a spreadsheet that we printed each month for the meeting to update, now, many of the members (well 3 out of 6) update the google docs spreadsheet as a task is completed.

I've also used googledocs to get documents between computers depending on where I am going or what I'm doing.

I am also a user of Etherpad. What a great tool and fantastic for multibranch libraries that don't always get together. Its a great tool to actually achieve a document without going off track. Have a go, see what you think and let me know if you love it too.

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