Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This is new to me. I have seen the blog search on Google but didn't realise there were other search engines available.

I'm not sure I like it. I searched Book Mobile and found heaps and heaps of sites. As an advanced search I managed to narrow the search down. Not too bad.

I also searched for Gatton. This didn't give me any relevant results however I did find some google ads for Toowoomba. This was interesting considering all the sites / blogs that came up were based in America or were about Danny Gatton or were written by Jim Gatton. Not brilliant but a start. We have a blog (which hasn't been updated for some time) about the new library in Gatton but this didnt' come up. Not surprising considering I hadnt added the code.

I'm not sure Technorati is something I would use again. Might have a go another time and see what comes up.

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