Wednesday, June 10, 2009

RSS Feeds

Well, I've kind of done this section of the test drive. Its taken a while to get through this one. I'm using the YA computers at our library but for some reason they won't allow us to have sound. Quite interesting to watch the video and try to work out what they are saying. Guess that's one that I'll have to save and look at from home.

I've setup a bloglines account and have subscribed to the SLQ blogs as well as the ones recommended by bloglines for librarians. I was quite impressed to have a category dedicated to us. That could mean that librarians are at the forefront for web 2.0 technology (or we created the feed technology). I'm not sure.

I think I might continue to play with RSS feeds on my gmail account for a while and then consider tranferring it across to my work email address. I think this will be a great tool to keep informed with professional development and other library moves.

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